Tuesday, October 26, 2010

They say it's never too late...

As "open" as I may seem... there are things... I am private about.  One has always been my father.   My biological father.  I knew a name.  I knew the circumstances.   That he went on to marry another woman.. have a couple of kids.   (One daughter I was told by common family friends, that I favored).      I wasn't abandoned... know this.    He continued to visit me after I was born... then after a disagreement with my mother, she only allowed him pictures through a family friend.      Again... there was this name... I heard about my whole life.   My mom never had a negative thing to say about him.   Seemed so romantic to hear her talk of his charisma, etc,..  "those eyes"    The good news is, that I found my father.  The bad news, is that he passed away a month ago.    But out of all things, come something good.  I spoke to his kids... the ones I used to wonder about.  The little sister whom I heard had the same eyes as me.    And a son that is a genuine as they come.  .  And they are "open" to accepting me.   I denied myself the "search" for my father for years..... I think in fear of rejection.    This evening... I feel welcomed.    I'm happy to say the least... still a bit amazed at the whole thing.   

P.S.  The man... my father... looked like DeNiro.  

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