Sunday, January 9, 2011

Santa touched you where???

I could have blogged this around Christmas...  but I kinda like Christmas to be more about the birth of Christ than a pervy mall Santa.

So... there was this one time...
My cousin, Tami and I were about 11... and my mom's friend's daughter, Mary was about 9.   We went to St Vincent Mall (a big deal for us po kids).  

Our mother's INSISTED we sit on Santa's lap.   We didn't want to... we thought it laaaaaaaaaame.   But... Mom insisted.   And I do love my Mom.

We went up there one at a time.   I went last.  He had red hair peeking out from under his Santa hair and I noticed freckles.   I sat on his left leg and noticed his left hand was cupping my hiney.  Strange.

Fake Santa gave me the creeps.

As I told Fake Santa what I wanted...  I felt SOOOO uncomfortable.   Then Fake Santa said,"Give Santa a hug".    I noticed he'd done that with Tami & Mary as well.     

As I hugged him.. he brought his right hand up... and groped my left breast.  I had developed young... and there was no mistaking what had just occurred.   His entire hand on my left chest... hidden from public view by the hug.

Santa was a pervert.

It wasn't until we got in the car that we began whispering in the back seat.   "Santa touched my booby"  "He did that to me tooo...."   etc,....

"Mooooooooooooooooooooom!!!!!!!!!"   Oh yeah... I was SOOOO telling on pervy Santa.   I'd tattle-tale on you in a heart beat.  My mom had my back... always. 

When we got home Mom called the mall manager.    Not sure what happened... if they fired the Pedofile Santa or what.   It was a different time.   Because really the police should have been called... not the Mall management (who'd much like to keep that a secret).

Needless to say... I kinda always had a different view on Santa after that.  

The other day when my cousin and Tami were recalling this "event"... she reminded me of this website...   and said it reminds her of of our Pervy Santa encounter.  

Yes, I had my kids pictures taken with Santa... I stayed close.    Someone touch my kid inappropriatly... I'd have reverted back to my Cedar Grove roots and caused a scene.   I'd toe dat mall up actin' a fool, I tell ya!!!

Sooooo.... Watch Santa when your child is in his lap, closely.   Remember this is a man, that is getting paid to have children sit in his lap.   Perfect job for a pedofile.   If your child doesn't want to sit on Santa's lap... don't make them.

Today... Perv Santa would have been on the front of the Inquisitor.

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