Words can't describe what it's like to get "the call". I can try though... it's like a two by four shoots through your chest. Your knees loose all stabilizing power. You aren't sure how to put on a pair of pants, or a shirt. Or something as complicated as socks and shoes. You stop even trying. You call your 25yr old son. Because you need him to know right then. She's gone. Your mind is in a thousand places. But, your hope is to get there before she's cold. Morbid? maybe, but I needed to feel her warmth. Your husband steps in and guides you to get dressed. And reminds you tor slow your breathing. And that he loves you.
Should I have been ready for this call? Yes. Was I? No.
I walk into my mom's room holding my husband's hand and nurse Millie's. I let go when I see her. I hear someone wail, "oooooohhhh Mama". It was me I'm sure. I fell to my knees beside her bed. And noticed how beautiful she looked. No wrinkles, no stress, no frown lines. Peace. She was still warm.
I never understood why people wanted to touch all over their loved one's after they passed, I just accepted it as part of the grieving process. I'm still not sure WHY. I just know I needed that. To touch her face. To feel her baby fine hair. To kiss her forehead. To tell her how much I loved her. As I touched her and loved on her, I knew this was it. My last time with her. She'd requesting no viewing at the memorial service. So I'd not see her after tonight. This was it. My last look at the woman that brought me into the world. Nurtured me. Gave me confidence. A billion hugs and kisses. Protected me like a tigress. A beautiful woman. All at once it hit me, this whole time I thought this was about me caring for her. She'd still been caring for me. Even from the nursing home.
I've discovered something since Mom passed, all our pictures... I'm like a little monkey.. arms and legs all over her...lol No wonder she liked me so much.. she didn't really get much of a choice..lol |
In the time that's followed I've come to realize/discover:
My mom was very loved.
I am very loved.
I have the greatest work family of all time.
I'm stronger than I thought. I'm weaker than I thought. Both.
I hope the day comes soon that I don't cry for at least an hour.
I've learned I'm not the kind to store my emotions until they erupt.
Daily... they come and I let them. This isn't my usual way of handling things, but then again... this is my mom. gone.
No one will ever love me like my mom did. It's not even possible.
There are no words to describe losing your mommy. None.
I needed her. I thought she needed me. But, I think my need was stronger.
My husband is a good man. Very supportive. Holds me when I need it.
I was her world. She adored me. Did she know the feeling was mutual?
Our last words were "I love you". They always were. ALWAYS.
This is so intimate to blog. I know. But, what I've discovered is, I'm not alone. We have lost and will lose. Death and taxes... both inevitable.
Life will never be the same. I won't dwell in the pain, but I'll never be the same.
She knew where she was going. She did not fear death. She feared leaving me.
I realize my stress level has decreased. Less worry.
Mom being sick was always on my mind.
My husband reminded me... that Mom would want that for me, less worrying.
I feel overwhelming sadness and loss and an unfillable hole in my heart.
But, no "worry".
Because I know mom is happy, healthy and walking the streets paved with gold.