Thursday, February 17, 2011

I'm going to make you cryyyyyyyyyy!

Ron and I went to dinner this evening.    In walked a nice looking guy late 20s, his early 20s gf & HIS 3 yr old daughter.   How do I know she was a gf?  How do I know it was HIS child?

After eating, I went to the rest room to wash my hands.    The gf was in there with the little girl.   The little girl was playing peek-a-boo with the bathroom stall door and the young lady had a nervous laugh as she kept saying," Come on MJ... use the bathroom so we can go eat"    (it was obvious she didn't have any authority - actual or perceived- over this little girl)   The little girl was adorable, with curly blond pigtails.   

As I'm washing my hands the young lady decides she's going into the stall.   "You can't come in here!" ....      The daddy gf goes in.   And what I heard next ran chills down my spine.   The little girl said,"I don't like you.  I don't love you. You're NOT my friend. You're NOT my Mommy.  I don't even know WHY you are here!!!"    I heard the gf's gasp....   I was stunned myself.   Cause the child who looked like a toddler just spoke in a clear voice.   And tore down a grown woman.   The Daddy gf stuttered a bit, then said,"MJ, that's not nice...  that is mean"     To which MJ (AKA demon child) responds,"I'm going to make you cryyyyyyyyyy"    The Daddy gf gasped.

I got my arse out of there before lil Drew Barrymore's Firestartin' self began blowing things up with her eyes.

I'm guessing that little girl's words were not her own... they came from tha baby mama.   But the evil tone in which she said those things came from her.   I've never been scurred of a child before.   But if I come across this adorable little thing in an alley... I'm running the other way.  (I bet you 10 dollars she had a knife on her somewhere.)

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