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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Public Potty Etiquette

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1. If you try the door and it’s locked, assume I’m in here… I should not to have to say “Someone’s in here” during my private moment. So please… accept that it really is locked and in use. No need to keep trying to open it.

2. In a public multi-stall restroom, take a step back and look for feet under the stall before trying the door.

Go to fullsize image                                                                                                                                           3. If there are 3 stalls and I am in the 1st stall.... please go to the 3rd stall.   Leave a space between us!!!

 4. Wash your hands after. I’ve seen your feet and recognize you eating bread sticks in the restaurant with your not-so-fresh hands.

5. Please don’t allow your toddler to peek under the stall, it’s not cute. And they could be scarred for life by what they see.

6. Please have a trash bin close to the door for easy discarding of the paper towel I’ve used to open the door with.

7. The blow dry thing? Is only cute to a 4yr old. I want a paper towel to dry my hands with. I know... not very “green” of me. But, otherwise, how am I going to turn off the water faucet or open the door to exit the restroom?

8. Oh yeah… and the touchless paper towel dispensers? I must have incredibly teeny hands because the thing never recognizes their presence and I have to repeat the motion....I look like an amateur magician. And then when it DOES finally dispense, it’s about 6 inches of rough nonabsorbent brown paper (the kind we used in elementary school in the 70s)

9. And the lil paper seat covers? Don’t forget to punch the hole out before you set it on your seat, I’m not saying how I know this, but ummmmmm this can lead to a bigger mess.

10. Please hurry… I’m waiting for you to leave so when you flush (creating some noise) I can do my work…. Otherwise it will never happen.   My only hope is that you're not as paranoid as me about this and are trying to wait ME out.   I will win.   I will.

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Over, not under... OVER... NOT UNDER!!!
 11. Flush when you’re done. If you don’t like to touch the handle, do what I do… flush with your foot. Can’t remember the last time I actually touched a public toilet handle…

12. If it’s a unisex toilet, FELLOWS….PUT THE LID DOWN WHEN DONE!!! Just because you have to touch the seat to widen your target doesn’t mean I should have to touch it.

13. A pet peeve… TP not on the roll… I have this visual when I see this… of someone’s (unwashed) hand in the center of the cardboard roll ..... leaving bacteria to grow. Ack!

14. Another pet peeve – 1 ply paper. I’m trying to maintain my hygiene, well.... you get the picture.
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15. Or the stiff big roll that let’s you only tear off one sheet at a time. How can I create my catcher’s mitt of protection with single sheets?

16. Port-a-potties? No. If I am that desperate, then it’s time to leave whatever public event I’m attending.

17. And who’s sanitizing those drop-down baby changers?

18. I've never once used a sharpie on a bathroom stall to proclaim my undying love for another.

19. I'm glad I'm not a man...and have to use public urinals... I'd sooner wear a diaper than pee shoulder to shoulder next to a stranger.

20. Can you believe I have all these issues with public toilets?

1 comment:

  1. I am only going to address the most important aspect of this post and that is that it's 'under'. Not 'over'. Never over. Never.
