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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

me? a material girl? seriously?

I drive a 2001 F150 with almost 200,000 miles on it.
I wear clothes for comfort, not namebrands.
I do wear New Balance shoes, but I work on concrete and they help my tootsies.
I own very little jewelry and rarely wear it.
If you want to see me in make up, you'll need to marry me, sue me or die.
I don't trade out purses with my outfits.  (and have never paid of $40 for a purse -         and that was a knock off Doony & Burke...ha)
I do however, buy namebrand soup.   I only like Cambells.   And only Kraft              macaroni & cheese.... important stuff there!
My computer is basic, my iphone is 4 versions behind.  
I even color my own hair, because I can cover the gray for a mere $9.
I don't even own a flat screen TV or a Wii.

My point?   I'm frugile... for a woman.   I hate shopping and I'm not into "things".

Yet recently... was labeled "materialistic" by someone who's opinion I care about.
And why?  Because I'm proud (very) of my camera... it's the nicest gift I've ever received.   But its also something, I'd have never broke down and bought for myself.     My husband though, knew how much I wanted the camera and got it for me for our anniversary.    and GOSH I DO love that camera!      I love it unnaturally.   It's like a  pet... I keep buying toys for it.

But... I'm pretty sure my camera is not cause to label me materialistic.
This is hard for me, because I was raised so modest...and as silly as it sounds, I really do feel twinges of guilt for owning such a nice camera.  My husband told me though when he gave it to me.. that he loves me, that I work hard and I deserve it.   

 That's enough for me I'm thinking.


  1. I can't remember what economist I read but he said something that hit me. Either get the cheapest or the best. There are a lot of things that are necessities and things I am indifferent on. Some things I have a passion for, or passionate about, I'll spend the money. My turntables are $500 each. Technics 1200's. The best. The standard. They are built like tanks. They can take being repeatedly set up and broke down for gigs. I am attached to them like you are about your camera.
    I don't think it's a bad way to be. Sounds similar. You are into photos, by all means, you should spoil yourself with it.

  2. I call BS.
    There is nothing like a good camera.
    I would call you a little attached and possibly obsessive (but really, who could blame you?!), but materialistic?

    No. You deserve that camera and your feelings about it are justified.
    I'm a little envious of your tripod though. haha.

  3. Thanks Jason :)
    Jason... Sarah is my future daughter-in-law... you'll meet her sometime you're here. She's pretty awesome.

    Thanks Sarah.... and I'll have to agree with the "obsessive"
