Canvas Nikes (baby blue swoosh)
GloriaVanderbilt jeans
Not being about to make a phone call until you got to the house
My mom brushing my hair
Believeing in Santa
Finding out Santa was a sham
Not calling boys because my Mom said it wasn't appropriate
(sneaking to do it anyway)
Cheer camp at NSU
Shawn Cassidy on my bedroom door (life size poster, baby)
The Hardy Boys
Hee Haw
The feel of soft dirt on my bare feet
Barefoot cartwheels
Cheap Candy
When I was sick, the one armed delivery guy from Lewis Pharmacy that
delivered my medicine, some 6oz cokes, crayolas & a new color book.
Visits to Marshall Texas to see my Grandma
Thinking Marshall Texas was soooooo far away
Sitting at LSUMC with a ear ache waiting to see the doctor
Sitting in church with my hands over my ears.
Deciding I was not going to be a Pentocostal when I grow up. "Speaking in
tongue" was creepy to me. (Sorry Grandma)
The day Elvis died. My aunts and Mom crying as if they'd just been widowed
My Mom's encouragement at anything I tried
In the summer, sleeping by the window so the attic fan would suck the air past
In the winter, standing over a gas heater
Going to every church summer Bible school I could.
Jiffy-Pop popcorn on the stove
Always being a gypsy for Halloween (because it was free)
Big family get togethers
Big family get togethers that always ended with two of the aunts fighting
My Aunt Nancy always calling green apple bubble gum.. "cat **** gum"
(this always made me laugh)
My Aunt Mary's humor
My Aunt Sally's laugh
My Aunt Jo's deep voice
My Aunt Billy's bird legs
My Uncle Bubba.
Algebra (being my evil nemesis until I was in college and realized it's easy)
3 months off for summer
Never having much, but always having enough